Happy Birthday America!

Happy Birthday America!

On July 4, 1776, we achieved independence from Britain and the American Dream was born.

Now, every year on July 4, we celebrate that independence, creating traditions of celebrating this with our friends and family, in association with barbecues, picnics, fireworks, parades, fairs, concerts, and other events.

The birth of American Independence also brought patriotic events that included political speeches and ceremonies, celebrating the history and traditions of the U.S.

Because Independence Day falls in the Summer, the events are summer-themed events and typically take place outdoors.

In Wikipedia, it mentions traditional songs for this holiday:

Independence Day fireworks are often accompanied by patriotic songs such as the national anthem “The Star-Spangled Banner”, “God Bless America”, “America the Beautiful”, “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee”, “This Land Is Your Land”, “Stars and Stripes Forever”, and, regionally, “Yankee Doodle” in northeastern states and “Dixie” in southern states.”

Since ChristmasGifts.com is about holiday gifts and gift-giving (specifically Christmas gifts!), it goes without saying that we value any holiday or event, as it’s an opportunity to give or share something with another and others.

We hope that everyone from all nations joins in celebrating America’s history and traditions, and has a wonderful 4th of July holiday!

Happy Birthday, America!

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

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