A New Kind of Christmas Gifts Wish List

A New Kind of Christmas Gifts Wish List
A New Kind of Christmas Gifts Wish List

May 8th, 2017

A Christmas gifts wish list is typically used to help people choose presents for their loved ones. Children often begin creating their holiday wish lists in the form of “Dear Santa” letters at a very young age. In fact, letters to Santa are frequently the first written correspondence kids ever create. In most cases, these lists include much desired gifts like popular toys, video games, electronics and even clothing. Although some parents believe that creating a wish list is a great way to get the kids involved in the excitement of the season, many argue that doing so encourages the commercialism of Christmas. Fortunately, a new kind of Christmas gifts wish list can give parents and kids the best of both worlds.

A Christmas Gifts Wish List that Gives Back

Incorporate the generosity of the season into your child’s Christmas wish list. For every item that your child puts on the list for himself or herself, have him or her add something he or she would like to do for others. Not only will you end up with a great list of gifts your child really wants this holiday season, you’ll be teaching him or her what it feels like to be on the giving end.

There are lots of ways kids and teens can make a difference in their communities and even throughout the world. Here are a few recommendations- straight from the elves!

Heartfelt Christmas Gifts from the Kids

Kids of all ages can make a difference in the lives of others.

1. Visit a nursing home

Many older folks who live in nursing homes spend the holidays without their families. In fact, a lot of nursing home residents receive very few visitors throughout the entire year, and some are never visited by anyone at all.

Schedule a visit with your child at a local nursing home this holiday season, and brighten someone’s day!

2. DIY gifts are a great idea

Grab a few supplies and clear off that kitchen table. Although homemade Christmas gifts can be a bit time consuming during the busy holiday season, the joy they bring to others makes all that effort worth it.

DIY Christmas gifts wish list

Some of our favorite DIY presents kids can help make include:

  • Christmas Cookies
  • Personalized Greeting Cards
  • Homemade Ornaments
  • Unique Gift Baskets
  • No Sew Blankets (Tie Blankets)

3. Teach your child to volunteer

Roll up your sleeves! Oftentimes, older kids can find exciting volunteer opportunities in the local community.

Christmas gifts wish lists for pets

Contact a nearby soup kitchen to see if there is some way your child can get involved during the holidays. Check with your local animal shelter and see about ways your kiddo can help out. If your child is old enough, have him or her host a holiday party for little kids so parents can enjoy a worry-free Christmas shopping night.

4. Gifts for the less fortunate

Clean out your own closets and host a neighborhood clothing and blanket trading post.

Christmas gifts wish list for the needy

Have the kids help gather warm winter coats, clothing, blankets and shoes, and invite your community to donate the items they no longer need as well.


What do you think about a Christmas gifts wish list that teaches kids to give back?

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